"Connect, Create, Innovate"

"Unlocking Reliable Telecom, Engaging Digital Services, and Cutting-Edge Apps"

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About Redmango

It all began not too long ago, just in 2014 when we, a small bunch of enthusiasts thought to set up a platform to transform ideas into life. We are a constantly evolving and growing team of innovators who are set to explore possibilities and deliver solutions. We work towards bringing ease and convenience to your life with a blend of traditional and our proprietary technological solutions.

We aim to enhance customer management experience by leveraging our exhaustive experience in the customer experience domain. We are entrepreneurs that will help transform digital India onto a truly global platform.

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Our Recent Portfolio

Let’s Create
Something Together

We, Design, Develop, Deploy

All customized to your choice & at the most
affordable price.


What our client say about us

I sincerely appreciate your team's dedication to work with our team in implementing the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for parallel processing and improving the efficiency of the portal. In addition, I place my appreciation for providing the Red Mango BI analytic tool and Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping tool, which was instrumental in improving the accuracy of the result. This enabled this office to make the portal ready for use by the AP state Govt. authorities within a short time. I also extend my best wishes for all your future endeavours with the same zeal and enthusiasm,
Red Mango website development exceeded all expectations for their creative and professional vision for our professional website. They captured the essence of our practice and developed a user friendly, easy to navigate and artful website. The positive feedback we have received from our patients and the impact it has had on our business portfolio has just been incredible. Our overwhelming gratitude to Red Mango Site Development for your innovative and outstanding representation of Jehdhun Cardiology! Looking forward to continue this collaboration in the future as our practice continues to evolve.
Dr. Meherwan Joshi
There is a saying that goes like "A visual delight is a sight for sore eyes" ..and Oh what a delight is our new website recently developed by RedMango Analytics Team for our Real Estate business which is just out of this world. They have neatly represented all the salient features of our budding real estate business division and through their creative skills given our business the look of grandeur and authenticity with just the right amount of details and visual illustrations which highlights the best features of our business. Kudos and a big Thank You, to the creative team for their dedication, hardwork and client friendly approach,
From our Real Estate Client

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